Why You Should Use A VPN While Traveling
Computer security is no joke. From stolen credit card numbers, corporate privacy breaches to personal and work emails being...

Packing Checklist For Your Carry-On
There is nothing worse than arriving at your destination airport and your luggage having been lost. No matter where...

The Best Travel Apps
Thanks to smartphone technology, planning travel has gotten even easier! Below, I have pulled together the travel apps I...

The Best Travelers Insurance
Whatever your adventure, consider purchasing travel insurance. Honestly, if you had asked me five years ago if I’d ever...

How To Detox After Traveling
How do you detox after travel? I try to eat pretty healthy (80% of the time, 20% is fully...

Packing For Europe!
After I wrote my “Top 10 Europe” list and sent it over to my girlfriend, she quickly texted me...

10 Things You Must Do Before A Trip To Europe!
Travel to Europe can be overwhelming and stressful, especially if it’s the first time you’ve ventured overseas. But don’t...